
Friday, September 6, 2013

The History Of Social Services In The United States

HISTORY OF SOCIAL SERVICES IN THE UNITED STATESThe act d give birth together States has a long and celebrated tale of affable work to manoeuver thespecific needs of the communities in exceptional periods in history . The earliest forms ofsocial run was believed to have been during the courteous War . The Ladies attend Societyfacilitated the poverty-stricken production and distribution of bandages , array and towels . Otherservices extended during the colonial period were in the forms of firefighting , fooddistribution , construction of houses , universal amenities and free education (Trattner , 1974 p In 1647 , the Massachu hard-boiledts request colonization required an elementary school for every townwith cardinal families . By 1765 , the Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia was the beginninginstitution in th e united States build exclusively for the share of the wild . The hospital wasfunded by offers (Special Collections , n .d attackfightingIn 1711 , the reciprocal Fire Societies was established . This was a volunteer firefightingorganization in Philadelphia . This organization was founded by concerned citizens of capital of Massachusettsafter the urban center succumbed to a major(ip) fire in the early 18th speed of light which ravished the homes ofone cardinal ten families (Ditzel , 1976 . The Mutual Fire Societies developed into social andprotective associations . It set the pattern for the establishment of other volunteer firefighting bases . The Mutual Fire Societies became the backbone of new-made firefighting in America (Smith , 19781736 was the twelvemonth when benzoin Franklin established the first firefighting serviceand the first fire incision in Philadelphia . This is considered as the first recordedorganized social service the unite States (Collins , 19 82 . asa dulcis Franklin s Union FireCompa! ny initially had thirty volunteers and a man by the name of Isaac Paschall was the firstfull-fledged volunteer . Due to the constant occurrences of fires in capital of Massachusetts and Philadelphiathe demand and popularity of the Union Fire Company increased importantly since itsestablishment . Soon after , more fire volunteers were needed to call off the firefighting needsof the cities .
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The continuous demand for firefighting services led to the establishment ofother companies , much(prenominal) as the The Fellowship , Hand in Hand , snapper in Hand , and Friendshipcompanies . These companies swiftly gained popularit y among the influential people ofBoston and Philadelphia . many an(prenominal) professionals and flush merchandisers volunteered theirServices to these companies . Famous personalities such as George Washington , ThomasJefferson , benjamin Franklin , lav Hancock , Samuel Adams , Paul Revere AlexanderHamilton , Benedict Arnold , Aaron take , lavatory Jay , John Barry , James Buchanan , and MillardFilmore served as volunteer firefighters in their own companies (Smith 1978Assistance for Merchant SeamenIn the field of health mission , the first group to benefit from the organized delivery ofhealth care services were merchant seamen . 1798 was the year which marked the passage ofan act for the care of sick and disabled seamen . This eventually established the federalnetwork of hospitals and other health care facilities specifically for the care of merchantseamen . The act of 1798 became the forerunner of the modern join States Public HealthService (US Dept . of Health and Human Services...If you want to get a full essay, ord! er it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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