
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Saussure and Derrida

A science that studies the life of signs within society is conceivable; . . . I shall call it semiology (from Greek semeion ‘sign'). Semiology would show what constitutes signs, what laws govern them. Since the science does not yet exist, no one can say what it would be. . . . (Saussure, 1960:16) In this statement Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913), the twentieth-century father of the science of signs, presents his theory about language and gives a Greek name. This enterprise has considerably affected most discussions about language and of interpretation since its inauguration. Saussure presents the linguistic system as the place of the sign. Signs don't exist apart from a system. And it is every time a system of differences. Unavoidably, the theory of signs leads Saussure to the theory of language as system. Later, Jacques Derrida (1930-2004) discovers the logocentric dynamic in Saussure's new theory. Referring to the father of structural linguistics and semiology, Derrida leads readers beyond Saussure toward a poststructuralist future. It is this logocentrism which, limiting the internal system of language in general by a bad abstraction, prevents Saussure and the majority of his successors from determining fully and explicitly that which is called ‘the integral and concrete object of linguistics† (Cours 23). Both Ferdinand de Saussure – father of 20th-century linguistics and Jacques Derrida – founder of deconstruction made profound impact upon language theory; their ideas laid the basis for considerable developments in linguisti cs in the 20th century. Saussure on Language In itself, thought is like a swirling cloud, where no shape is intrinsically determinate. No ideas are established in advance, and nothing is distinct, before the introduction of linguistic structure. [†¦] Just as it is impossible to take a pair of scissors and cut one side of paper without at the same time cutting the other, so it is impossible in a language to isolate sound from thought, or thought from sound. To separate the two for theoretical purposes takes us into either pure psychology or pure phonetics, not linguistics. Linguistics, then, operates along this margin, where sound and thought meet. The contact between them gives rise to a form, not a substance (Cours 155-7). This impressive statement from the posthumously published Cours de linguistique generale of Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913) introduces readers in what was later called as a ‘Copernican revolution' in Western thought relating to language. Why ‘Copernican’? Because just as Copernicus had asserted that the Earth revolved around the Sun, instead of the Sun revolving around the Earth, Saussure asserts something similar on the subject of language. His theory claimed that languages are the instruments that give human beings opportunity to achieve a rational understanding of the world in which they live. Rather than considering words as mere addition to human comprehension of reality, Saussure considered comprehension of reality as depending substantially upon human use of the verbal signs that form the language people use. Language is not secondary but, quite the reverse, central to human life. As a result, human life is linguistically constructed life. Saussure's theory goes far beyond the traditional theory of language as something communicated. It also goes beyond Locke's theory of words as symbols that stand for ideas. Many linguistic philosophers had claimed that without language human reason would be lacking its principal instrument of transformation ideas into words. But Saussure's theory goes further and deeper. Saussure indicates the phonetic and conceptual aspects of language. Linguistics was for Saussure only one subdivision of a relating to various branches science of signs that he proposed to call ‘semiology' (semiologie). Each branch of semiology had a theory of the signs which it studied. Consequently, linguistics would need a theory of the linguistic sign, the fundamental unit of langue. Such a theory of language Saussure proceeds to offer. As his paper-cutting analogy shows, he deals with the linguistic sign as a unit determined merely by its form. Its form has two facets, or ‘opposite sides'. The Saussurean technical identifications for these two facets of the sign are signifiant and signifie (the ‘signifying' plane and the ‘signified' plane) (Matthews 21). Every langue includes semiological system of bi-planar signs. Each sign has its signifiant and its signifie. Despite the fact that each plane may, for convenience, be analyzed one by one, no linguistic sign can be determined without considering both planes that are equally important. The published in 1916 text of the Cours faithfully reflects Saussure's theory about language. That text became the subsequent chapter in the history of ideas about language theory. The text became a cornerstone of modern linguistic theory, as well as the public declaration of a more general intellectual movement of the 20th century that had effect on such diverse disciplines as psychology, social anthropology and literary criticism. This all-round movement is today known as ‘structuralism'. The whole question that the Saussurean theory of linguistic structure gives rise is this: ‘If our langue is a structure, then a structure of what exactly? ‘ (Matthews 69) Saussure's answer to this question is problematic. He identified langue as being at the same time a structure of the mental operations of the human beings, and also a structure of the communicational processes by means of which human beings perform their roles as a cultural constitution. So langue is finally supra-individual in the relation that it is placed in society and depends for its existence on cultural relations; yet it assumes in each individual the power of an internally created system of linguistic signs. More exactly, langue, Saussure claims, ‘is never complete in any single individual, but exists perfectly only in the collectivity' (Cours 30). Derrida’s Theory of Language The theory of language to which Derrida wants to turn attention is connected with the method linguistic meaning is produced. More exactly, the method what there is of linguistic meaning and nonmeaning in their interconnection is presented. Derrida, in his theory of deconstruction, presents the same structure for both the process of nonaesthetic negativity and the process of aesthetic negativity. â€Å"Deconstruction† is connected with an analysis of the theory of language that, similar to the process of aesthetic negativity, discovers within this theory the seeds of its own downfall. Derrida presents a theory of meaning that reflects the idea of the â€Å"iterability† of signs and what he calls their â€Å"supplementary† status. Jonathan Culler summarized Derrida's central idea in this regard in the following way: Our earlier formula, â€Å"meaning is context-bound, but context is boundless,† helps us recall why both projects fail: meaning is context-bound, so intentions do not in fact suffice to determine meaning; context must be mobilized. But context is boundless, so accounts of context never provide full determinations of meaning. Against any set of formulations, one can imagine further possibilities of context, including the expansion of context produced by reinscription within a context of the description of it (Menke 96). Considering Culler's interpretation, Derrida's thesis of the uncircumventable proclivity of language for crisis is based on the difference between what one expects context to offer and what it can really do, when correctly viewed. The nonetheless inevitable recourse to context in the determination of meaning thus results in a crisis for every attempt to comprehend language. What is supposed to generate definitiveness is itself unlimited and thus the source of unmanaged difference. Derrida’s general thesis thus is based on the idea that the understanding of the meaning of signs can only function in a context-bound way. At the same time that contexts cannot define the meaning of signs since they are themselves boundless. The boundlessness that meaning opens itself to in its context-boundedness is in no way eo ipso the boundlessness of a difference that is inconsistent with any identity of meaning (Menke 90). Derrida himself realizes his argument that a â€Å"thousand possibilities will always remain open even if one understands something in this phrase that makes sense† (Menke 96) in an equivocal fashion. On the one hand this idea means: every sign can function in different and boundlessly many contexts. This is precisely what determines the iterability of signs: their reusability in contexts that are not actually those in which they were first placed. The usability of signs in boundlessly many contexts in itself, though, in no way is opposite to the definitiveness of its use and meaning as determined by rules of language. Although one might note, with Derrida, that the deconstruction of logocentrism is a search for â€Å"the other of language† (Derrida 1984, 123), this does not contribute to the statement that deconstruction is originally concerned with a linguistic theory. This is first and foremost the question of the concrete instance, of â€Å"the other, which is beyond language† (Derrida 1984,123). Far, then, from being a philosophy that according to its critics, states that there is nothing beyond language and that one is confined within language, deconstruction can be considered as a response. â€Å"Deconstruction is, in itself, a positive response to an alterity which necessarily calls, summons or motivates it. Deconstruction is therefore vocation – a response to a call† (Derrida 1984,118). Derrida claims that the character of deconstruction is not solely positive, that is not merely an assertion of what already exists and is known, but that it is an assertion of what is wholly other (tout autre) (Derrida 1992, 27). Derrida claims that difference is not something that can appear in logocentric discourse: â€Å"differance is not,† Derrida explains, â€Å"preceded by the originary and indivisible unity of a present possibility that I could reserve†¦. What defers presence, on the contrary, is the very basis on which presence is announced or desired in what represents it, its sign, its trace†¦. Differance is â€Å"that which produces different things, that which differentiates, is the common root of all the oppositional concepts that mark our language†¦ † (Positions, 89). Differance is neither structure nor origin, â€Å"such an alternative itself being an ‘effect' of differance. † Even so, studying the operations of differance requires that the writer use such concepts as structure and origin and â€Å"borrow the syntaxic and lexical resources of the language of metaphysics† even if the writer wishes to deconstruct this language ( Positions, pp. -10). Derrida indicates that differance is not an origin. Neither language nor writing springs in differance. Instead, Derrida says, differance allows the play of absence and presence, writing and thought, structure and force by means of which the question of origin comes to know itself. Saussure and Derrida Exactly at this point one is faced with one of the most problematic though fascinating dimensions of Derrida's theory. The problem, stated above, is that, as soon as it is recognized that there are no simple, unsignified, transcendental signifiers that fix and warrant the meaning of the words, that there exist no originals to which the words can be attributed, one comes to conditions where even this acknowledgement itself seems to have become â€Å"floating† (May 125). Derrida resolves this difficult situation with the help of above discussed theory of signs and of language developed by Ferdinand de Saussure. Despite the idea that language is in a fundamental way a naming process, attaching words to things, Saussure had claimed that language is a system, or a structure. In the structure any individual element is meaningless outside the boundaries of that structure. In language, he asserts, there are only differences. But – and here the ideas of Saussure are basic for Derrida's deconstruction of the metaphysics of presence – these differences are not differences between positive terms, that is between terms that in and by themselves are connected with objects or things outside the system. Accordingly, in language, Saussure indicates, there are only differences without positive terms (May 127). But if this is true, if there are no positive terms, then it means that one can no longer define the differential position of language itself by means of a positive term either. Difference without positive terms indicates that this dimension must itself always be left unperceived for, roughly speaking, it is unconceptualizable. It is a difference that cannot be returned into the order of the same and, through a signifier, given individual characteristics. This suggests, then, that â€Å"the play of difference, which, as Saussure reminded us, is the condition for the possibility and functioning of every sign, is in itself a silent play† (Derrida 1982, 5). If, however, one wants to articulate that – one must first of all admit that there can never be a word or a concept to correspond to this silent play. One must also admit that this play cannot merely be exposed, for â€Å"one can expose only that which at a certain moment can become present† (Derrida 1982, 5). And one must ultimately admit that there is nowhere to begin, â€Å"for what is put into question is precisely the quest for a rightful beginning, an absolute point of departure† (Derrida 1982, 6). All this, and more, is acknowledged in the new â€Å"word† or â€Å"concept† – â€Å"which is neither a word nor a concept† (Derrida 1982:7) but a â€Å"neographism† (Derrida 1982:13) – of differance. The motive why Derrida uses â€Å"what is written as difference† (Derrida 1982, 11) is not difficult to understand. For although â€Å"the play of difference† (Derrida 1982, 11) is introduced as something for the opportunity of all conceptuality, one should not make the mistaken opinion to think that one has finally discovered the real origin of conceptuality. That, expressing the same idea but differently, this play is a playful but despite that transcendental signified. Strictly speaking, in order to avoid this mistake one must acknowledge that the differences that make up the play of difference â€Å"are themselves effects† (Derrida 1982:11, original emphasis). As Derrida claims, What is written as differance, then, will be the playing movement that â€Å"produces† – by means of something that is not simply an activity – these differences, these effects of difference. This does not mean that the differance that produces differences is somehow before them, in a simple and unmodified – in-different – present. Differance is the non-full, non-simple, structured and differentiating origin of differences. Thus, the name â€Å"origin† no longer suits. (Derrida 1982, 11) Although differance is straightforwardly connected with a structuralist idea of meaning – that Derrida recognizes when he indicates that he sees no reason to question the truth of what Saussure proposes (Derrida 1976, 39), there is one important aspect in which differance is outside the scope of structuralism. The point here is that Derrida clearly refuses to accept the primary character of structure itself. Structure is not a transcendental represented (for which reason Derrida notes that he does not want to question the truth of what Saussure proposes â€Å"on the level on which he says it [original emphasis] â€Å"but does want to question the logocentric way in which Saussure says it (Derrida 1976, 39). Structure is even less the effect of an original presence coming before and causing it (Derrida 1978, 278-9). What differance tries to express is the differential character of the â€Å"origin† of structure itself. It is in this relation that one might observe that Derrida's writing is poststructural. To some degree, surely, differance appears when Saussure's examination of how language operates. â€Å"In language,† Saussure indicates, â€Å"there are only differences. Even more important: a difference generally implies positive terms between which the difference is set up; but in language there are only differences without positive terms† (Positions, 120). Derrida's differance in an obvious manner is like Saussure's differences. At the end of Positions, for instance, Derrida specifies â€Å"as differance the movement according to which language, or any other code, any system of reference in general, is constituted ‘historically' as a tissue of differences† (Positions, 104). But Derrida makes an effort to go further. Whereas Saussure considers the differences in a semiotic system as the set of constantly changing relationships the speaker manipulates in order to produce meaning, Derrida defines differance as the boundless disappearance of either an origin of or a final place for meaning. When Derrida describes differance, he always does so by examining what it is not. Rather than considering language in the traditional way, as a set of external signs of already farmed internal thoughts (characteristic of â€Å"logocentrism†), Derrida, like Saussure and modern linguistics, thinks of users of language producing coded, that is, repeatable, marks or traces that originate from within certain unities of meaning as â€Å"effects† of the code. These traces are not fundamentally meaningful in themselves but â€Å"arbitrary† and â€Å"conventional† (Menke 96). Thus there is no difference whether one says â€Å"rex,† â€Å"rol,† or â€Å"king† so long as â€Å"we† – those who share these conventions – can tell the difference between rex and lex, roi and loi, and king and sing (Menke 96). The meaning – is a process of the difference, of the distance or the â€Å"spacing† between the traces, what is called, in an absolutely serious way, the â€Å"play† of differences or traces. By the â€Å"play of differences† Derrida defines the differential spacing, the recognized distance, the recognized (heard, seen) intervals between traces first analyzed in structural linguistics (Menke 97). Conclusion A comprehensive historical examination of deconstruction would necessarily include numerous precursors and forerunners: Freud, Hegel, Heidegger, Husserl, Lacan, Levi-Strauss, Marx, Nietzsche, Saussure. . . . However, it can be said that the history of contemporary deconstruction begins with Jacques Derrida De la grammatologie (1967) that opens with a critique of Saussure. Saussure’s theory of language is here framed within a metaphysical system that extends from Plato and Aristotle to Heidegger and Levi-Strauss. By Derrida this theory is called â€Å"logocentric. † Saussure marks a concluding stage of the long logocentric epoch. Derrida indicates that logocentrism imposed itself upon the world and controlled the theory of language. Derrida’s contributions laid ground for future epoch. In the role of prophet, Derrida concludes his â€Å"Exergue† indicating: â€Å"The future can only be anticipated in the form of an absolute danger. It is that which breaks absolutely with constituted normality and can only be proclaimed, presented, as a sort of monstrosity. For that future world and for that within it which will have put into question the values of sign, word, and writing, for that which guides our future anterior, there is as yet no exergue† (Derrida 1967).

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Aristotle and Aurelius Essay

Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics goes to show that he believes that the end goal of all human actions is eudaimonia, or happiness through success and fulfillment. Following this concept Aristotle goes on to explain that through virtuosity a human being can lead a happy life. He defines virtue as a disposition to make the correct decisions that lead to the chief good of happiness. A perfect example is when he describes someone who does an action well as being good, but they are only considered good because of their distinctive activity. The distinctive activity for human beings can be considered our rationale. This is where virtue comes into play in the matter, but this translation could also be deciphered as excellence. Human beings do every single thing they do for a reason and that reason is to help towards an end goal. Although it may seem like the end goal might be something good like eating lunch, it is actually a chain to the ultimate good which is being happy. Happiness in Aristotle’s view is not second-by-second or even minute-by-minute but an entire lifetime. This is because we view happiness as and end goal which we hope to achieve by death and that way you can look back on a person’s life to see if they succeeded in their goal, through virtuous moral character and virtuous intellectual character and through the act of temperance. A life-time of that act can guarantee a happy, fulfilling, and successful life. Being virtuous come through two different ways in our actions as said by Aristotle, â€Å"Excellence being of two sorts, then, the one intellectual and the other of character, the intellectual sort mostly both comes into existence and increases as a result of teaching whereas excellence of character results from habituation†¦ † (Nicomachean Ethics, 1103a15). Intellectual virtue comes from teaching, experience, and time while character virtue is formed through the habit of repeated virtuous actions and constant practice. This allows for every human being to potentially have a virtuous moral character for the fact that it cannot be learned but only practiced, and not one person can be born already virtuous. The only problem with this concept is that there is no exact guideline in which to follow in order to become virtuous and, ultimately, happy. Basically Aristotle explains that you can find virtue in the middle ground of your actions, for xample, he says â€Å"For to arrive at one of the two extremes is more erroneous, to arrive at the other less; so, since it is hard to hit upon intermediate with extreme accuracy, one should take to the oars and sail that way, as they say, grasping what is least bad of what is available†¦ † (Nicomachean Ethics, 1109a35) There is no teaching as to why, for example, courage is preferred over cowardice or rashness but that you need to practice being courageous in order to understand the reasoning for being courageous. This is true for all virtuous traits and merits of the human character and by combining the moral and intellectual teachings and habits can you start on the path of a virtuous disposition. The key to virtue is keeping within a balance between the vices. For an excessive vice there is excessive pleasure but also excessive pain and for the opposite there is no pleasure and no pain. The key is in a state of temperance in order to feel the correct amount of pleasure for a healthy lifestyle and choices. Aristotle’s views show that someone with a virtuous disposition should automatically or naturally choose the best action or behavior in any circumstances without having to rely on reason because the virtuous habit has been already learned. In response to someone arguing against an accidental choice, these views only perceive the deliberate and voluntary choices made by the person of virtue. Also a virtuous moral character will always aim for the good while unjust character will try to aim for what is their perception or the â€Å"apparent† good as said in â€Å"That wish is for the end, we have already said; but to some it seems to be for the good, whereas to others it seems to be for the apparent good. The consequence, for those who say that the object of wish is the good, is that what the person making an incorrect choice wishes for is not wished for.. † (Nicomachean Ethics, 1113a10). A virtuous person will always do the right thing and will never be surprised by their actions, nor will they do it the right thing with an ulterior motive. Though you cannot live a happy life just with a virtuous disposition because you still need to act within accordance to virtue, you absolutely cannot live a happy life without virtue. Having virtue in your actions will lead to the final goal of happiness because it far outweighs the happiness found in pleasure, awards or merits. II. Marcus Aurelius was a philosopher-king and emperor of the Roman Empire and was considered of of the most influential Stoic philosophers of all time. His greatest work Meditations is an honest portrayal of Aurelius’ thoughts as they were found in journal form, never meant to be publicized. He wrote these books for himself as a sort of guideline and thought-provoking inner voice. In his works of Meditations, Marcus Aurelius doesn’t use arguments as a way to get his point across but rather states his words as truths and seems to be very confident in his uses. It seems he is prying at the meaning of life, the why’s and how’s of it all on the idea of living. He is very blunt in his use of understating the human existence in the world and compares them to specks in the grand scheme, but the point of this is to provide a sort of carpe diem lifestyle. By letting yourself let go of the things you cannot control, you begin to gain a better understanding of the things you can control and act accordingly. â€Å"We were born to work together like feet, hands and eyes, like two rows of teeth, upper and lower. To obstruct each other is unnatural. To feel anger at someone, to turn your back on him: these are obstructions. † (Meditations, 17). This quote goes to show how you cannot allow yourself to get angry at another person for what they have done, but to continue your existence and recognize what you need to do. He advises in his writings â€Å"To shrug it all off and wipe it clean-every annoyance and distraction-and reach utter stillness. † (Meditations, 54) and once you can do that you can realize what is natural. Stoicism being a very popular philosophy in ancient Rome for it called for a â€Å"cosmic determinism† in relation to â€Å"human freedom† by a parallel will to that of Nature . Aurelius,himself, was a firm believer in the Logos, which can be identified as a principle a guiding force for the universe, human beings and all matter. In fact, it is one of the most important concepts in Stoicism for the ancient Romans of the time. The stark and â€Å"manly† belief that every single citizen had a duty, whether they were a king or a peasant, were expected to follow it to the best of their abilities. The term utter stillness is used to acknowledge the state of no distractions. By achieving this you can focus solely on appropriate actions and how to follow your own road by the way of Nature on an unconscious level. Not by thinking about it but by acting naturally should you continue to help others, work for yourself, never stopping but continuing to reply to Nature’s demands. To do this all under the Logos, in order to find our common sense and avoid the annoying distractions all the while by controlling these actions through your inner unconscious/conscious self. III. The Greek philosopher Aristotle and the Roman philosopher-king Marcus Aurelius can be compared and contrasted in their similar and different ways of thoughts. First you can compare Aristotle’s ideas on eudaimonia and Aurelius’ use of utter stillness to help follow the logos, also the final step of death as the end of one’s journey towards a life of fulfillment. Contrastingly, they have different outlooks on purpose of human life and how to lead to the fulfilling of that said life. Stoicism was developed within the framework of Greek theory and philosophies from Plato and Aristotle so obviously there are bound to be many similarities. Both of these men were truly brilliant and ground-breaking in their respective ways of thought and led centuries of intellectuals to search for more fulfillment and happiness’s in their lives. Some big differences between Aristotle and Aurelius were there views on mortality or death. While Aristotle concludes that our lives are given to us and as valuable as human beings want to make them, the Stoics view on life is that is shaped by death and that the thoughts, choices and actions are just based on the knowledge of death. Eudaimonia is a subject in which Aristotle and Aurelius were familiar with in their writings about philosophical life. Aristotle thought of eudaimonia as an activity done with virtue performed rationally and consciously. Aurelius and the other Stoics insist that the way for eudaimonia is to live a morally virtuous life, in regards to the fact that virtue is good, vices are bad and most everything else is neutral. A popular argument for this where a death in the family would be involved, according to Aristotle, that would rob the most virtuous person of their eudaimonia while the Stoics would consider that neutral. Another interesting fact about Aristotle is how he acknowledges how â€Å"dumb luck† can aid or block the journey for eudaimonia, for example being born beautiful or losing close friends and family. Basically, they agree that eudaimonia is self-sufficient; the chief goal in life and that eudaimonia is the most complete end result. Virtue is very important to both philosophers and their ways of thinking and considers it absolutely crucial for eudaimonia. Aristotle and Aurelius can agree that no one is born just virtuous as it must be an act learned. Virtue is believed to be how one can control their emotions for it helps them to stay stable and in moderation. Overall, living life virtuously is living a life full of dignity. Marcus Aurelius’s view is a much more justified view because it is more modern and more adaptable. As the stoicism wants people to better themselves within reasonable goals and change values into something that will bring upon an unconscious change so that they may make better decisions consciously. Aristotle instead relies too much on a proper upbringing and calls the loss of good and friends as a prevention of eudaimonia. Stoics learn to realize what is out of their control and move on to what they can control. Aristotelian views also say that if a person dies early that it is a tragedy and that they were taken away before they reached their prime which in the Stoics eyes, a virtuous person should never be afraid of death because their life is sufficient when living a virtuous life. The difference continues when viewing the topic of emotions for Aristotelian that emotions are not good nor bad, only bad when expressed inappropriately while the Stoics think the whole point of eudaimonia is to be free from emotion. Finally the stoics don’t see a difference between the rich, poor, slaves or free men, because in their views bodily and external things can no impact on their dignity, whereas Aristotle believes that a life based on virtues along with enough material and external goods like freedom, wellbeing, and close friends lead to a life of dignity. Overall, Aurelius and the Stoics have built upon and modified Aristotle’s view to be more realistic and to try and be more optimistic in leading the best possible life no matter the circumstances.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Recent Turn to Intersectionality In Feminist Theory Essay

The Recent Turn to Intersectionality In Feminist Theory - Essay Example Her academic work is undoubtedly the most prominent and well-known on the topic of intersectionality that at present received the substantial number of both critiques and appreciations primarily from the academe. Hence, the scholarly work of Kimberle Crenshaw will take a crucial part of this essay as shown in my argument. In this paper, I will take the standpoint of Crenshaw and argue that gender and race are overlapping characteristics of humans, whereby one cannot be separated from the other. Gender and race are the significant components of the multi-layered facets of life. Therefore, I will argue that women of colour are marginalised within both feminist theory and anti-racist policies, as both groups have their own strict set of ideas, from which black women are often left out, hence their experiences, are overthrown. I will start the essay with a critique of second-wave feminism, with relation to black women, who were throughout left out of its agenda. Afterwards, I will move o n to talk about how racism is a gendered process, hence women who are black or blacks who are women should not be excluded from these groups. Throughout the essay, I will include recent examples of the treatment of intersectionality in mainstream media to support my argument that while feminist academia has recently turned to intersectionality, there has still not been an understanding on what intersectionality actually is. Therefore, this remarkably must be the ultimate source of confusion regarding the existence of intersectionality as a concept, allowing women of colour in the societies today to be still highly disregarded at some point. First of all, I believe, a critical examination of the second wave feminism is necessary in order to establish the circumstances and treatment of black women from around the 1960’s up until the 1980’s, which consequently led to and had a great influence in creating feminist multiculturalism and later intersectionality per se.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Law of Numbers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Law of Numbers - Essay Example [2] If a coin is tossed many times, the more times it is tossed, the likelihood of the number of "heads" in the total population will be close to 1/2. This Law of Large Numbers can be further explained with the help of a Randomly Generated Coin Toss online applet (available from http://hspm.sph.sc.edu/COURSES/J716/a01/stat.html). The coin is unbiased and it has two sides that are equally likely to come up. When the random generator is run, the applet shows the proportion of heads in the total population. In the first 10 tosses the proportion of heads is 0.272 (3 heads and 7 tails). When it is run for a longer time up to 100 tosses the proportion of heads approaches one-half and becomes 0.48 (43 heads and 47 tails). For a 1000 tosses the proportion of heads become 0.499 (502 heads and 498 tails). This figure will fluctuate around 0.5, with the fluctuations slowly getting smaller and almost reaching 0.5. [1] 1) Let's say you flipped the coin once and it landed on heads. You will expect that on alternative tosses you will get a head. In 10 coins are tossed you expect 5 to be heads since the expected percentage of successes is 50%. But in reality only three are heads. The difference between the actual and expected number of successes is 2. The actual percentage of number of heads is 20% meaning a difference between actual and expected percentage of 30%.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Examine the reason why chinese restaurant has been becoming popular in Essay

Examine the reason why chinese restaurant has been becoming popular in UK - Essay Example Two thirds of this is chilled, having grown by 26% in value terms since 2002; however, frozen sales are bucking the general trend for long-term decline that has been witnessed across the other ethnic cuisine markets. The main purpose of the study is to find out the reasons attached with the popularity of Chinese restaurants in U.K. The main aim of this paper is to summarise what has been written so far about the advantages of the Chinese food and to examine the reasons of the popularity of Chinese food in UK. Although there is not a very large amount of data available on the topic which was the main reason of undertaking the research study on the topic but still below I will present a review of the literature written so far. The increasing problem of obesity has been an important issue in the last decades in UK, which has lead to a remarkable transition in the structure of the diet of British people (Popkin et al., 1993). The composition of the Chinese diet is lower in fat and meat, and higher in carbohydrates and fiber (Du et al., 2004). Additionally, decreased levels of physical activity and leisure are linked to increases in the prevalence of an overweight condition, obesity and diet-related non-communicable diseases (Du et al., 2002). In 1980s a new breed of Chinese restaurant arrived (at least it took that long to reach the provinces) which provided lighter, tastier Chinese cooking demonstrating regional differences. There was one drawback, however, which was that this new type of restaurant was much more expensive than the original cheap ‘n tasteless ones (Canham, 2005) The success of Chinese dishes depends very much on the authenticity of the recipes, cooking equipment, and ingredients. Because of the sheer popularity of Chinese cuisine in the West, there are plenty of Chinese takeaways and restaurants here. But to suit the perceived Western palate, restaurants often alter

Friday, July 26, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis of the Reformist Jane Adams Research Paper

Rhetorical Analysis of the Reformist Jane Adams - Research Paper Example In 1912, Addams was also among the lead supporters of Theodore Roosevelt on the Bull Moose (Progressive) party ticket; she also co-founded the Woman’s International League for Peace and Freedom which was a key facilitator of her winning the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931. Cedarville Illinois was the birthplace of Jane, she had eight siblings and was the second-last born of the family; their father was a successful political leader (local), serving sixteen years in the Senate, fought as an officer in the Civil War and was a close friend of Abraham Lincoln; they used to call each other ‘My Dear Double’. Jane had an inherited spinal blemish that contributed to her physical instability throughout her life though it was often remedied by surgery. Jane graduated from the Rockford Female Seminary class of Seventeen in 1881, be given a bachelor’s degrees the following year after the school was accredited to Rockford College for Women; later on, she started studying medicine her health condition interfered as she was being hospitalized now and then. Jane traveled to Europe where she continued with her studies for slightly less than two years after which she spent two more years writing and reading as she laid her objectives for the future; while there Jane and her friend Ellen Starr took a visit to Toynbee Hall, a settlement house in London’s East End which assisted greatly influenced a similar idea she had of starting a similar place for the underprivileged in Chicago. Jane is known to have come up with a variety of quotes with the most common being ‘Action indeed is the sole medium of expression for ethics’; others include; ‘Nothing could be worse than the fear that one had given up too soon and left one unexpended effort that might have saved the world’.

Term paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 2

Term paper - Essay Example In addition, industrial hazards vary depending on the nature of the work environment and outcomes of work performed. Industrial hazards include fire and explosion, biologic hazards, ionizing radiation, heat stress, chemical exposure, electrical hazards, oxygen deficiency, noise, safety hazards, and cold exposure. These hazards among other incidents or situations in the contemporary industrial sector require the skill of an industrial hygienist. Furthermore, events such as the anthrax scares, terrorist attacks, and the potential use of â€Å"dirty bombs† enhance the importance for the awareness on the principles of industrial hygiene. The framework or main principles of industrial hygiene and toxicology include recognition, anticipation, control, and evaluation of workplace hazards. As such, an industrial hygienist must take into consideration these principles to ensure safety and health in the workplace. This paper will discuss ionizing radiation, a physical agent in industria l work environment. It will also discuss its effects on exposure, control, principles, and regulations. Ionizing radiation constitutes particles that hold sufficient energy to free an electron from a molecule or atom, thus ionizing it. This radiation is produced through nuclear reactions, natural or artificial, and by extremely high temperature. Ionizing radiation is also generated through high-energy particle production using particle accelerators, nuclear decay, or charged particles acceleration through electromagnetic fields created by innate processes such as supernova explosions and lighting (Wilson para.10). As such, natural sources of ionizing radiation include the supernova explosions, lightning, the sun, and artificial sources that include x-ray tubes, particle accelerators and nuclear reactors. Ionizing radiations includes x-rays, gamma, beta, alpha, and cosmic rays. There are three harmful radiation emitted by radioactive materials, which

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Plastic Surgery Complications Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Plastic Surgery Complications - Essay Example A very common problem in surgery that may occur is anesthesia or Sedation. Possible problems and complications including irregular heartbeat, brain injure, heart attack, blood clots, any sort of stoke, nervous breakdown, paralysis and in the worst cases, death is also possible. Ex- Miss Argentina, Solange Mahnano who was just 37 year old passed away due to a plastic surgery, leaving seven year old twins behind (CNN, 2009). Anesthesia can occasionally aggravate air passages, that may result in tremor of the vocal cords and blockage of the airway may occur. Another complication could be Malignant Hyperthermia that may result in the complicated disorder in one’s Blood pressure, heartbeat and body temperature. If not recognized and treated quickly, can lead to death. This may be inherited. In case, circulation of blood is upset up to severe extent then it may also cause Brain Damage or failure. Due to a few muscular disorders, patient might suffer Temporary paralysis. However, Temporary Paralysis can be recovered. It is always advisable to discuss complete medical history that could be any lung disease or any other disorder with your physician or surgeon. Heart Patients must not go for cosmetic surgery in any case as it could result in severe complications. In almost all the surgeries, bleeding cannot be avoided and is treated normally. Especially in hair transplant, noticeable bleeding is expected. However, bleeding at extreme level and bleeding right after the surgery can gather beneath the skin and a need of another surgery may arise. Similarly, DVT or blood clots may occur due to long operations. General anesthesia might cause DVT. It can take place as a consequence of blood pooling, especially, in the case of pregnancy etc. It is not very normal to deal with such situation. Plastic Surgery Truth published that Cosmetic surgery is very popular

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Goal Setting Framework Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Goal Setting Framework - Term Paper Example Due to the rising cost of distribution, Los Angeles Tribune will use any of the following strategies to achieve its set goal; distribute jointly with other producers to the consumers, use digital distribution channel, increase the number of middlemen companies to assist in distributing its products or create new subsidiaries in different cities and towns to reduce the distribution cost. Of all these strategies, the organization shall use digital distribution as one of the most appropriate strategies. Therefore, the organization will distribute most of its newspapers through online system. This tactic will ensure that customers subscribe for their newspapers for them to get access to the papers. Various activities need to be carried out in order to reduce the cost of distribution such as; proper education of the customers on how they will get the online papers without any constrain and advertising to the public to create awareness of the new move in the organization so that they are n ot surprised with the new organizations move (Barton, 2001). This is planned to reduce the cost of distribution by 10% in every month. This measure Barton of success will show the progress of the goal set to reduce the cost of distribution so that the profit realized may increase. The other goal is to increase circulation revenue. The Los Angeles Tribune is making strategies such as to increase the newspaper supply, increase the advertisement efforts or to reduce the prices to attract more customers. With the investigation, the organization has realized that the circulation revenue goes down due to an increase in the prices of its newspaper. Therefore, one of the tactics that the organization will use is to reduce the price of its papers so that it regains its market share in the next two months. This will be done through reducing other costs, which will result in a cut, in prices. As a measure of success, 5% price cut in

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Capitalism vs. Communism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Capitalism vs. Communism - Essay Example This was later followed the trade prosperity of European trade and agricultural revolution. Influential figures in capitalism included Medici of Florence, Karl Marx, Adam Smith, Jacques Coeur, Marco Polo, and Anthony Giddens. Communism on the other hand can be traced back to the early Christians and religious groups, the golden age in Greece, the manorial system in the middle ages, and modern communism. The influential people in communism include Sir Thomas More of England, Gerrard Winstanley, Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Lenin, Emmanuel Kant, and Jean Jacques. Finally, the influence of the respective philosophers’ in the modern day and age is explained. Keywords: Communism, Capitalism, Christians, Trade, Agriculture Revolution, Private Property, Lending, Profits, Labor, Demand, Supply, Resources, Community, Competition, Land, Government, Economic, Philosophers What is Capitalism? It is a system that continues to be practiced in the world, despite its lack of a standard defini tion. Basically, it is a political and economical system with an ideology of the market (supply and demand) being at the core of the single system of economic governance (Scott, 2009). Individuals can own economic resources as properties from which more wealth can be generated upon investment and production. Competition for resources is spurred up by the system, creating more wealth and capital, and facilitating personal growth and development. In a broad perspective, â€Å"capitalism is organized such that produced goods and services, down to the least basic necessities of life, are produced for valuable exchange, where even human labor-power is a commodity for sale in the market, and where the market determines all economic actors † (Wood, 2002, p. 6). Capitalism thrives in the event of competition, individualism, and where a system of checks and balances exist to achieve benefits in the marketplace and retain their market share. Origin of Capitalism and Influential People in Capitalism The periods during the18th and 19th century are marked by many as the time of the emergence of capitalism. However, the previous centuries show some aspects of the conception of capitalism. During these earlier periods, the emergence and advancement capitalism can be explained through the accounts of historical developments of human activities in search for development, acts of earlier exchanges, more production, and success through wealth creation. Since capitalism is embedded on creating more wealth, the idea of usury earlier established in the middle age and as practiced by the people introduced the act of lending at interest for more profits. Although rejected by the church during the period, it in practice indicated that given the opportunity, capitalism would have thrived earlier in the period (Backend, 2010). These acts during the time can be said to be roots of capitalism. Another kind of activity that relates to capitalism due to creation of wealth was the pro sperity of Europe through trade with other continents. The 13th and 14th centuries are recorded as the successful periods of trading activities between the trading partners (Afro-Euro-Asia, Europeans, Arabians, Chinese and the Mongols), where merchants and other traders risked their resources to purchase more resources that they would later exchange for other

Monday, July 22, 2019

Characteristics of Orientalism Essay Example for Free

Characteristics of Orientalism Essay There are several differences between the Arab and Muslim groups. The actuality is that Arabs are an ethnic group and Muslims are a religious group. A Muslim is a person who practices the Islam religion. In the world, most Muslims are not necessarily Arabs and most Arabs are not necessarily Muslims. â€Å"Orientalism is the simplistic view of the people and history of the Orient, with no recognition of change over time or the diversity within its many cultures† (Schaefer, 2006). This term is a misrepresentation of people from the East by those in the West. One characteristic is stereotyping the difference in religious expression. Discrimination and prejudice are other characteristics of orientalism. For example, the overemphasis of Arab and Muslim women wearing face veils in the media. This is seen as oppressing women but yet the history behind it is not being told. After the 9/11 attacks, the USA Patriot Act, which was passed in October 2001, had specific provisions that condemned discrimination against Arab and Muslim Americans. This act was revised because it had been accused of contributing to the fear within the Arab and Muslim communities. Unfortunately, all policies were not changed in a positive way. The U. S. Department of Justice required all foreign-born Muslim men to report to the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services. They have to be fingerprinted, photographed, and interviewed. There are several things that individuals can do to promote tolerance and reduce prejudice in their towns and cities. One way to achieve this is by treating everyone equally. Another way to reduce prejudice is by educating ourselves about a person’s culture. If we can gain an understanding of an individual’s cultural background, we are opening up our minds to realize that those that we consider â€Å"different† may have similar views.

Cold War Essay Essay Example for Free

Cold War Essay Essay To what extent was Germany the cause of East/West disagreements between 1943 and 1963? (2000) 5. Analyze the role of Germany in the origin and development of the Cold War. (2002) 6. In what ways, and with what results, was Germany the key focus of the early stages of the Cold War? (2005) 7. Compare and contrast the policies of the USA and the USSR towards Korea between 1945 and 1955. (2004) 8. Also: NATO, Soviet policies, Sovietization of Central and Eastern Europe, COMECON, Stalin, Truman

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Developing The Anti Tobacco Smoking Campaigns English Language Essay

Developing The Anti Tobacco Smoking Campaigns English Language Essay Indian women are among the worst in the world when it comes to smoking. According to the latest Tobacco Atlas, the country ranks third in the top 20 female smoking populations across the globe.   Only the US with 2.3 crore female smokers and China with 1.3 crore women smokers are worse off than India. Tobacco usage in India claims more than 800000 lives annually. Globally the number of smokers is expected to rise to 1.7 billion by 2020. Ninety percent of the smokers in the country start smoking before they are 24 years old. Half the male tuberculosis deaths in India are caused by smoking. If smoking is unchecked, by 2020, millions of people in India will become regular smokers. Most of them experience their first puff before attaining the age 18. What is most disturbing is the steady rise in the numbers of teenagers, some of them as young as 14 or 15 years. Out of the 1000 teenagers who smoke, at least 500 have been found to die of tobacco-related diseases. In USA, the drop in smoking has been attributed to a number of reasons a growing awareness about the health-damaging effects of smoking, rising cigarette prices, rising cigarette taxes, aggressive anti-smoking campaigns and a decline in the social acceptability of smoking. Disastrous Effects of Smoking Smoking predisposes to oral, lung, and other cancers. Smokers are more likely to suffer from high blood pressure and to experience a heart-attack or stroke. Smokers are also at increased risk of disturbances ranging from dental caries to osteoporosis. Women smokers are more likely to have abortions. Their children are more likely to have behavioral disorders. Non-smokers, who regularly inhale cigarette smoke, also suffer higher medical risk. A study of half a million Americans who were followed-up for an average of nine years, showed that the risk of death was doubled in smokers. *As many as 2200 Indians stop smoking every day by dying. Tobacco is the second major cause of death in the world. Forty percent of the cancer detected in India, is because of tobacco use. With every cigarette, you ingest a staggering 4700 chemicals, 42 carcinogens or cancer-causing substance. One cigarette and one beedi reduce seven minutes of your life. Approximately Rs.27000 crores in terms of healthcare costs and lost productively. One packet of Pan Parrag or Hans reduces four minutes of your life. It causes sexual impotency in men, miscarriage and infertility in women, wrinkled skin, stained teeth, bad odour, mouth ulceration and difficulty in swallowing. Every organ in the body is affected from head to toe, especially the brain, lungs and heart attacks, chronic cough and lung disease, worsened condition of diabetes, blood pressure and lower stamina. Babies born to mothers who smoke can be sicker, die suddenly, or have more infections of the middle ear, coughing and wheezing. Tobacco-related causes lead, every year in India, to 20000 amputations besides frightening diseases like lung/oral cancer, stroke and heart problems and over eight lakh deaths compared to 60000 from road accidents. Cause problems to family, friends and co-workers from the smoke from the cigarette exposing them to the same dangers. This is called second hand smoking. Therefore, it is quite evident that smoking is a serious problem India is facing today esp. the youth of India. Target Segment As mentioned earlier, females generally start smoking in their late teens. So, my campaign would be targeting the girls who are in the age group of 16-24 years. Attitude towards Smoking Young women who smoke experience very few noticeable side effects (well nothing serious enough to motivate quitting en masse), not only do they lack the motivation to quit; they are also extraordinarily adept at creating loopholes to escape antismoking messages directed at them. An analysis of various research showed that the three main loopholes were: Smoking is just one of the many risks in life Young smokers make a distinction between immediate, personal reasons for giving up and more remote, official reasons such as long term health risks (e.g. lung cancer) which seem less relevant. The risks of smoking are too far in the future to worry about now Young smokers have no meaningful sense of their own mortality and live very much in the here and now. Antismoking messages are redundant everybody knows smoking is   bad for you To be effective, the antismoking message must feel like new news. Planning the Anti-Smoking Campaigns The planner had to infiltrate the world of the young female smoker to find a new angle, but how?   We needed to work from the inside out, our starting point being our target, from its own point of view.   We would find our targets weak spot and then find a weapon to match a relevant short term negative effect of smoking that would hit them where it would have the most effect.   Teenwatching For several months, the planner would watch the targets programmes and movies, read their magazines, frequented their hang out spots and shopped where they shopped.   Part of this planners method research included teenwatching (i.e. observing and interacting with our target in its own environment, as one of them) in various McDonalds on Saturday afternoons. Interviews with editors of leading young womens magazines An important and intimate relationship exists between young womens magazines and their readers.   These magazines act almost as best friend and offer discussion and advice on everything from what to wear and how to pull to body image and emotional problems.   For the lowdown on how to get even closer to our target, the planner would grill the editors of magazines with large (female) youth profiles. Strategy positioning research We need to find a credible, relevant and persuasive message that communicated a short term negative effect of smoking. The key insight of our targets weak spot As a result of the above, three key points became clear:   There is no scope for even a hint of a prescriptive just say no antismoking message. This group, young women, will only respond to messages that offer (or seem to offer) them an informed choice.   This is part of their assertion of independence and their rejection of anything that comes from people who patronise them and couldnt possibly understand what it means to be them. Appearance (and from this, positive self-esteem, boys, sex and peer   group acceptance) is the key preoccupation Young women are extremely concerned about their appearance (real and perceived).   When it comes to their appearance (skincare, make up, clothes, hair etc ) this group seem to be trains potters of the first order.   They are information hungry and, when reading their magazines, they are willing to plough through acres of pictures, diagrams and juicy detail to discover whats new and true in the world of skincare, hair care and overall image creation.   Credible information learned here passes into the grapevine and can very quickly become received wisdom within the peer group. Young womens positive associations with smoking (aside from peer group acceptance) are mainly to do with appearance: When you smoke you look sophisticated, quietly confident, a bit sexy, alluring and more like an adult The spectre of post quitting weight gain was, for many young women, seen as more relevant and immediate than cancer. Cancer may happen in the future, you cant see it but the weight you can see it now and you have to live with it We would have to talk to these girls about something that was genuinely important to them now (not just what we think should be important to them)their looks.   An approach that exploits our targets insecurities about their appearance, using the scientific language of cosmetics, could work Young female smokers believe that the short term negative effects on appearance caused by smoking is just not credible because, unsurprisingly, they could not see any adverse effects taking place now. I propose a hypothesis that a credible but scary fact (smoking makes your skin thinner true but probably unusable because everyone in this rather small medical study was over 50 years old) would capture our targets imagination and create a cause for concern where there previously was none (cf. messages from cosmetics manufacturers re: large pores, toxins in the skin, blackheads and sun cream).   Sure enough, many of the girls would take the skin thinness story.   I believe girls would internalise the story and gave it their own meanings that were relevant to them now and that tapped into their own individual anxieties about the appearance of their skin. There was a great deal of familiarity with a wide range of scientific skincare terms (e.g. antioxidants, aminoacids, toxins etc) which was not particularly surprising given this groups obsession and information hunger with regards to appearance, in general, and skincare specifically.   This is the language of cosmetics that cosmetics manufacturers use to sell these girls more and more skin, hair and body products.   Each new product requires its own story filled with scientific language to lend it credibility.   The Story Every cigarette contains 4000 toxins, many of which the blood stream carries straight into the structure of the skin.   The toxins in cigarette smoke cause the blood vessels in the top layers of the skin to constrict thus reducing the blood supply there.  Ã‚   It is the reduced blood supply which causes a reduction in the availability of oxygen (which is necessary for all living cells) and the removal of waste products, dead skin fragments, etc which provides the necessary environment for skin regeneration. This would be scary stuff to the average young woman who spends much of her time and money on a skincare regime worthy of Cleopatra herself (face packs, cleansing, exfoliating, toning and moisturising). The creative brief My proposition for the campaign is: Every cigarette you smoke is having a detrimental effect on your looks now. Smoking makes younger you look older The picture above clearly captures the side effects of smoking on the beauty of a girl. Creative Development research Three key points relevant to the campaign are: In order to attract the attention of our rather discriminating target, the visuals used had to be of intrinsic interest to them.   It is not enough to use long scientific copy to imitate the language of cosmetics.   In order to be relevant the copy should be succinct and, to create the same excitement that good cosmetics ads do, it must adopt the aspirational Clinique approach of top skincare scientists at the cutting edge rather than that of an ordinary G.P., a grey, health expert. A tone that is too jokey, cleverclever, discursive or ironic would undermine the credibility of the message. Refining the creative work We stuck with the idea and the creative team used the learnings from research to present our story in a way that was a shorthand, communicating effectively in a language (the language of cosmetics) that our target understood immediately and was already highly responsive to:   Four single page print ads in the style of a high quality cosmetics ad campaign but with cigarettes and cigarette ash sullying typical skincare / cosmetic products (facepack, skin cream, translucent powder and a make up brush).1 The final media strategy We worked extremely closely with our media team and when we saw the finished ads glossy, beautiful, instant fix we decided that not only were we going to use magazines, for the reasons outlined above, but we were also going to use posters in the London Underground because: Although the Underground is not a beauty environment per se, many cosmetics brands advertise there and so there was a natural fit with our faux cosmetics campaign. You cant smoke on the tube and so cigarettes are often top of mind for many smokers when they travel on the Underground. A grim reality strategy of getting to our target when they are feeling lousy e.g. early in the morning. Have we hit the mark? Qualitative research commissioned by the HEA showed that by using the language of cosmetics, and also the glamour and simple gloss of the best cosmetics advertisements, the message was found to be believable and extremely relevant.   These ads were found to be an appropriate counter to the sophisticated image the tobacco industry and the movie / fashion world currently give cigarettes. Quantitative ad tracking showed a 20% increase in the number of 16 24 year olds who claim to have seen advertising with an antismoking message (excluding nicotine replacement treatments).   84% of the smokers that had seen the ads felt that they were aimed specifically at them and almost two thirds said that the ads had encouraged them to think about giving up.   With these ads, we have achieved our goal of inspiring, in our target, the beginnings of meaningful motivation to quit through engendering a sense of identification, instilling a sense of urgency and blocking off escape routes. Journalists too have followed our lead and magazines and newspapers now run stories about smoking affecting young girls looks (4000 toxins etc) as if it were received wisdom.2 The planner used her wits (and a bit of method in her madness) to find a way (literally) under the otherwise impenetrable skins of young women who smoke. Conclusion Planning contributed to highly successful creative work by: Redefining the role for advertising Using method planning, as a complement to conventional research, to find a critical new consumer insight which changed the way we positioned our antismoking message Providing crucial ammunition for creatives by discovering certain key facts to create a new, relevant story about the effects of smoking Using research to refine the creative work and to encourage intelligent media implementation

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Identity in House Made of Dawn Essay -- House Made of Dawn Essays

Identity in House Made of Dawn       In 1969 N. Scott Momaday won the Pulitzer Prize for his phenomenal work, House Made of Dawn.   The novel addresses the issue of identity, how it can be lost as well as recovered.   Momaday offers insightful methods of recovering or attaining one's identity. Momaday once made the following now famous statement:    We are what we imagine.   Our very existence consists in our imagination of ourselves.   Our best destiny is to imagine, at least, completely, who and what, and that we are.   The greatest tragedy that can befall us is to go unimagined (Owens, 93).    For Momaday, imagination is the key to identity, and it is this key that Momaday offers as a solution to the problem of identity in House Made of Dawn.   Momaday's protagonist, Abel, cannot imagine who he is.   In chronicling Abel's effort to regain his ability to imagine, Momaday offers inextricably intertwined methods to regain one's 'imagination'.      Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The prologue of House Made of Dawn begins with the word 'Dypaloh'. This word signals a shift into the Native American oral tradition. Traditionally, storytelling have definite responsibilities.   According to Louis Owens in Other Destinies, the responsibilities are:   "to tell us who we are and where we come from, make us whole and heal us, to integrate us fully within the world in which we live and make that world inhabitable, to compel order and reality" (93).   In defining the responsibilities of storytelling, Owens also gives a description of the 'identified individual', one who has a strong sense of identity and is fully self-imagined.   The identified individual knows were he is from and where he is going.   He is not fragmented, and k... ...motion.   Running is perseverance.   Running is believing that identity can be recovered.   If Abel did not believe it possible to find his proper place, he would already by lost, stagnant, still waiting.   Running is action.   Stories are also action.   They are inherently active in passing on crucial knowledge.   A story that is not told, that is not related, can have no meaning.   Stories show the proper order of reality.   Both running and stories are crucial elements in Abel's recovering his identity.   The things they represent, motion, perseverance, order, and knowledge, are crucial in anyone's quest for identity, not just Native peoples, but the people of the human race. Works Cited: Momaday, N. Scott.   House Made of Dawn. New York: Harper and Row, 1968. Owens, Louis.   Other Destinies. Univ. of Oklahoma Press: Norman and London, 1992

Friday, July 19, 2019

Cuba in the Cold War Essay -- Bay of Pigs invasion

On April 17, 1961 one of the greatest foreign policy mistakes of the Cold War was made, the attempted invasion of the Bay of Pigs, Cuba. The failed invasion happened under the administration of John F. Kennedy and caused the deaths and imprisonment of over 1500 Cuban exiles fighting to over throw the rule of Fidel Castro. The aftermath caused much larger impacts towards United States foreign policy. The invasion made the United States look imperialistic to the rest of the world and allowed the Soviet Union to portray America as an aggressive and hostile country to its neighbors, which in turn allowed the Soviet Union to aid Cuba even more for future affairs. The Bay of Pigs also caused President Kennedy to distrust many of his advisers from the CIA for misinforming him. The CIA led him to believe the invasion would be over quickly and successfully after Kennedy had only been in office for three months. This distrust of his advisers certainly affected how Kennedy acted in future cri ses involving both Cuba and the USSR. This of course leads the question did the Kennedy Administration act appropriately for the Bay of Pigs invasion and how did the outcome affect United States foreign policy with Cuba and USSR? Fidel Castro was a growing issue towards the US. Castro was the communist prime minister of Cuba. He rose to power through the Cuban Revolution in 1953 and ruled Cuba under communist philosophies. Fidel Castro was also threat to the United States national security because of his affiliation with the Soviet Union and his alliance with Nikita Khrushchev. There was rising tensions between the US and Castro's government because American owned oil companies which were operating in Cuban territory refused to produce crude oil for t... ...r, 2011. Walsh, Daniel C. "An Air War With Cuba; The United States Radio Campaign Against Castro." Reference & Research Book News, October 7, 2012. Accessed March 15, 2014. Academic OneFile /Gale (A304010214). Wood, Jeff. "Cuba Missile Crisis." In Disasters, Accidents, and Crises in American History. Accessed February 11, 2014. American History Online (DACH0151). Prados, John. "The Perfect Failure." MHQ: The Quarterly Journal 19, no. 3 (Spring 2007): 82-92. Endnotes "Cuban Missile Crisis," in Encyclopedia of American Foreign "Fidel Castro," Hastedt, "Political Aspects of the Bay of Pigs," Kreiser, "JFK: Trials, Triumph and Tragedy," The New York Times "Overview John F. Kennedy," Rasenberger, Brilliant Disaster Walsh, "An Air War With," Wood, "Cuba Missile Crisis," in Disasters, Accidents, and Crises Prados, "The Perfect Failure," [Page #]. â€Æ'

Musical Theatre Essay -- essays research papers

Girl Crazy (#14)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The musical â€Å"Girl Crazy† was about a boy named Danny Churchill who lived in New York. His dad was worried about his way with women so he sent him to Custerville, AZ to get him away from them. Danny was to live on the family dude ranch called â€Å"The Buzzards.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On his way to AZ, Danny rode in a taxi. The driver’s name was Gieber Goldfarb. He was known for his very bad Yiddish jokes. He eventually fell in love with a woman named Patsy West, who was also a nosey telephone operator.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After Danny gets to Custerville, he meets the post-girl named Molly Grey. He was in love with her, although he had just left his old girlfriend in New York. Her name was Tess Hardy. Danny had stolen Tess away from her old boyfriend; his name was Sam Mason. Sam was very upset at this, so when he heard of Danny’s whereabouts, he came to take Molly from him. It worked for a little while, until Molly realized she should be with Danny.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There were also two people named Slick and Kate Fothergill. Slick managed the gambling room at â€Å"The Buzzards† that Danny opened to make the place somewhat of a party house. Kate was a nightclub singer that sang in Danny’s club.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There were two other people in the story that made it interesting and comical. Their names were Lank and Pete. They were the town villains and local thugs. At the end, these boys end up in jail. Holly Conant Of Thee I Sing (#16)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the musical â€Å"Of Thee I Sing,† there were many characters. The lead was probably John P. Wintergreen. It is a story of Wintergreen running for president and all the mishaps he had with women. There were a few people on his political committee. Their names were Louis Lippman, Francis X. Gilhooley, Sen. Robert Lyons, Sen. Carver Jones, and Matthew Arnold Fulton, the chairman of the committee. Alexander Throttlebottom was the vice-president.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The story was about a national beauty contest and the winner got to be the first lady. Just before the winner was announced, John met a girl named Mary Turner. Mary was the secretary for the beauty contest. The two immediately fell in love.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The winner of the contest was Diana Devereaux. After the winner was announced, ... ...II, Scene IV, there is a lot of prayer and singing, trying to drown out the sound of the wind and storm. Clara is very scared for Jake. All of the sudden, they hear a knock at the door and it’s Crown. Bess and Porgy had thought he had died in the storm. He come in and starts saying bad things about God. He tells Bess that she will be with him forever.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bess sees Jakes boat outside the window. Clara gives her baby to Bess and runs to Jake. Crown, after being challenged, goes after Clara.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This began Act III. It was in the setting of a funeral. It was being held for Jake, Clara, and Crown. But Crown isn’t dead! Porgy knows this and hides so he can attack him and kill him. He does eventually, after a long struggle.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The detectives take Porgy in (in Scene II) to identify Crown’s body. While he is gone, Sporting Life offers himself to Bess (as well as his drugs). When Porgy comes back, a week later, he was rich from playing dice in jail. He looks all over for Bess, only to find that she had taken Sporting Life up on his offer and she’s in New York. Porgy vows that he will find her†¦and the story ends. Musical Theatre Essay -- essays research papers Girl Crazy (#14)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The musical â€Å"Girl Crazy† was about a boy named Danny Churchill who lived in New York. His dad was worried about his way with women so he sent him to Custerville, AZ to get him away from them. Danny was to live on the family dude ranch called â€Å"The Buzzards.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On his way to AZ, Danny rode in a taxi. The driver’s name was Gieber Goldfarb. He was known for his very bad Yiddish jokes. He eventually fell in love with a woman named Patsy West, who was also a nosey telephone operator.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After Danny gets to Custerville, he meets the post-girl named Molly Grey. He was in love with her, although he had just left his old girlfriend in New York. Her name was Tess Hardy. Danny had stolen Tess away from her old boyfriend; his name was Sam Mason. Sam was very upset at this, so when he heard of Danny’s whereabouts, he came to take Molly from him. It worked for a little while, until Molly realized she should be with Danny.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There were also two people named Slick and Kate Fothergill. Slick managed the gambling room at â€Å"The Buzzards† that Danny opened to make the place somewhat of a party house. Kate was a nightclub singer that sang in Danny’s club.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There were two other people in the story that made it interesting and comical. Their names were Lank and Pete. They were the town villains and local thugs. At the end, these boys end up in jail. Holly Conant Of Thee I Sing (#16)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the musical â€Å"Of Thee I Sing,† there were many characters. The lead was probably John P. Wintergreen. It is a story of Wintergreen running for president and all the mishaps he had with women. There were a few people on his political committee. Their names were Louis Lippman, Francis X. Gilhooley, Sen. Robert Lyons, Sen. Carver Jones, and Matthew Arnold Fulton, the chairman of the committee. Alexander Throttlebottom was the vice-president.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The story was about a national beauty contest and the winner got to be the first lady. Just before the winner was announced, John met a girl named Mary Turner. Mary was the secretary for the beauty contest. The two immediately fell in love.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The winner of the contest was Diana Devereaux. After the winner was announced, ... ...II, Scene IV, there is a lot of prayer and singing, trying to drown out the sound of the wind and storm. Clara is very scared for Jake. All of the sudden, they hear a knock at the door and it’s Crown. Bess and Porgy had thought he had died in the storm. He come in and starts saying bad things about God. He tells Bess that she will be with him forever.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bess sees Jakes boat outside the window. Clara gives her baby to Bess and runs to Jake. Crown, after being challenged, goes after Clara.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This began Act III. It was in the setting of a funeral. It was being held for Jake, Clara, and Crown. But Crown isn’t dead! Porgy knows this and hides so he can attack him and kill him. He does eventually, after a long struggle.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The detectives take Porgy in (in Scene II) to identify Crown’s body. While he is gone, Sporting Life offers himself to Bess (as well as his drugs). When Porgy comes back, a week later, he was rich from playing dice in jail. He looks all over for Bess, only to find that she had taken Sporting Life up on his offer and she’s in New York. Porgy vows that he will find her†¦and the story ends.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Fresh Water Essay

The greatest similarity between fresh and salt water is that both are basically the same chemical – water, although the contents of other materials dissolved in it differ. Both contain some amount dissolved chemical in it though the quantities vary. Both form different links in the water cycle of the nature. Both are homes to aquatic life. Difference: Salt water contains much higher quantities of dissolved chemicals as compared to fresh water. This higher concentration of chemical also raises the density of salt water above that of fresh water. Plant and animals living in two types of water bodies are different. Salt water is found only as large standing bodies of water. Most of these are in form of seas and oceans, although though some lakes including very large ones considered to be sea also contain salt water. Fresh water is found in standing bodies of water called lakes, as well as running water as in rivers and streams. Fresh water is available in many other forms such as in rain, and ice caps in the poles and in very cold places. However no fresh water is found in seas and oceans. Fresh water is used for drinking as well as many industrial processes. However salt water is generally not suitable for most of the industrial use except for cooling. On the other hand salt water is used as a source of some chemicals, particularly common salt. Freshwater does not yield any such chemicals. Comparing Fresh water and ocean water, each has their differences. Most notable is animals living in each. The animals that live in the Salt â€Å"ocean† water would not survive in fresh water for an extended length of time. Same holds true for fresh water animals. However there are a few species that have adapted and can live in both. Some Salt water animals have also evolved to live in Fresh water. Humans cannot drink ocean water without dying. The salt in it dehydrates you to the point you die of thirst. In order to drink ocean water you have to desalinate it in one of many ways. Boiling it being one way. Ocean water also contains every natural element on the planet. If we could find a way to mine the water that is cost effective, we would have a lot more resources. Ocean water freezes at 26 degrees F and fresh at 32. While only 6 degrees difference in water terms that is huge. It prevents a vast amount of the oceans from freezing over in the winter, of course global warming has helped with that. As for your comment of only 3% of the worlds oceans is fresh water, it is very true. While there is a lot of surface area of fresh water the oceans are miles deep. The deepest point on Earth is approx 35,000ft below sea level or about 6. 75 miles down. Many of the deepest lakes only hit about 2000 to 3000 ft deep. Also when you compare the surface area of the fresh water bodies comparies to the oceans there isn’t much. The great lakes between Canada and the USA contain 20% of all fresh water on the planet. That is enough water to cover the entire USA with 9. 5 feet of water. When compared to the oceans that isn’t much. So don’t be surprised. Fresh water is lighter than salt water. Therefore, fresh water â€Å"floats† on top of salt water. This principle becomes extremely important when considering the drilling of a well in order to tap into the ground water of any island. The weight of the rain water that percolates into the ground depresses the salt water beneath it forming a profile that has the appearance of a lens. This is called the Ghyben-Herzberg lens. The principle of this relationship was discovered independently by a Dutch scientist named Baden-Ghyben and a German scientist named Herzberg. The underground boundary that separates the fresh water layer from the salt water is not a sharp boundary line. In reality, this boundary is a transition zone of brackish water (fresh/salt mixture). This is caused by seasonal fluctuations in rainfall, tidal action, and the amount of water being withdrawn either by humans or by natural discharge. Fresh water has a density of 1. 0 while salt water has a density of 1. 025. From this, you can see that salt water is slightly heavier than fresh water. The ratio between the two is 41:40. The formation of the Ghyben-Herzberg lens has a profound effect upon the availability of fresh water on an island. This principle essentially states that for every foot of ground water above sea level there are forty feet of fresh water below sea level! The mathematical formula for the fresh to salt water relationship is: hs = hf / es – ef where hs is the depth of fresh water below sea level, hf is the depth of fresh water above sea level, es is the density of salt water, and ef is the density of fresh water. Using the common density figures for fresh and salt water the formula can thus be simplified into hs = hf / . 025 Understand that this applies only to fresh ground water that is sitting directly on an intruded body of salt water. It has no meaning on a large island where an inland body of ground water may be confined by layers and dikes of lava rock. On islands that are largely composed of dense lava rock, little if any salt water intrudes very far into the underlying rock structure. It is generally only in shoreline regions that salt water intrudes into the cracks, crevices, and loose rock spaces. On low, small islands that are largely composed of coral or other porous materials, salt water intrusion into the underlying interior is quite common. The drilling or digging of wells on these islands and especially on along the shoreline must be done with care. Going too deeply will penetrate the transition zone and result in salt water infiltration and the contamination of the fresh water in the well. I have seen such a well dug in solid lava rock along the shoreline in the Ka’ u District on the island of Hawai‘i. This well was located a few feet above the high tide line approximately a hundred feet from the ocean. The opening was rectangular, about 3 1/2 feet wide, and 6+ feet long. On one end a set of stairs had been cut into the rock allowing one to walk down five or six feet to the level of the well water. This well was unused as there are no dwellings or settlements in the immediate area. In fact, the area was considered to be â€Å"range† land where a few head of cattle managed to find enough to eat in this dry, desert-like environment. The size and construction of the well indicated that at one time it may have served a considerable number of people and possibly even an old Hawaiian village. Unfortunately the well had been abandoned and neglected. It contained a fair amount of decaying leaves and grass. There was also a considerable amount of broken glass from beer bottles that had been thrown against the interior sides of the well. This was probably done by shore fishermen who frequented the area from time to time and used the well as a convenient trash dump during evening camping parties. Nonetheless, the well serves as an excellent example of the Ghyben-Herzberg lens’s importance to the availability of fresh water in a place where one might think that none can be found. I already had listed some differences of salt water versus fresh water so here are some similarities;

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Gender Bias Essay

The excogitation of equality is regarded as an inalienable tender right that should be enjoyed by all(a) individuals regardless of their grammatical sex, race, religion, and other differential factors (United Nations, 2009). However, it is clear seen that this is non practiced in the inn that exists today. Discrimination be quiet persists and this is greatly exemplified by the inequality that is based on gender leavings. It is undeniable that wo hands ar nonetheless fixed in a disadvantageous or substandard position as compargond with their potent counterparts. in that respect be indeed straight changes that invite taken place in the past that do the situation of women discover than before. Nevertheless, it is still obvious that at that place are still many changes that should be made before women can achieve the realistic essence of equality that they rightfully deserve. The prejudiced practices against women can be rooted tolerate in the early tarradiddle o f the domain wherein philosophers are still trying to pull sense in the world that valet beings live in. Even in the past, women take a crap already been seen as inferior to men and this is translucently proven in the knowledge of language.According to Becky Michele Mulvaney, the author of the article authorise Gender Differences in confabulation An Intercultural Experience, gender is both an influence of and a yield of communication. In line with this, she pointed out how the mood of gender is first learned by an individual through talking with other people. A person could see the difference between the language that is used by girls and is often characterized by qualifiers and fillers to soften their message.There are words that are unobjectionable if used by a son but not by a girl. Moreover, famous philosophers in like manner focused on the image of an active antheral that makes a female as mere a supporting character. This is exemplified by Plato who defined women as lesser men and Aristotle who said that women are a deformity, a misbegotten male as well as St doubting Thomas Aquinas who argues that women should not acquire been created by God (Mulvaney, 2004). In the same manner, loaded practices against women still continue up to this benefaction time.The patriarchal influences of key personalities in history and the general perspective of the people before, that women are inferior to men established a societal thinking that further propagated this view. contempt the improvements in the status of women in the society, it is evident that they are still perceived as second class citizens. This is proven in the professional lives of women wherein there are still biases and discrimination practiced against them because of their gender.Even though there are women that are already contriveing in industries that are antecedently dominated by males, there is still an observable discrepancy that shows that a striking number of men are in the w orking force. Furthermore, women are in addition having difficulties climbing the professional ladder of success because they are not given a somewhat consideration because of their gender even if they have the same capabilities sometimes even fall in skills than their male contenders (Farough, 2005).Being the case, it can be said that the inequality experienced by women is often not in harm of their age, race, or religion even though these factors are often intertwined. The inequality that they have to go through especially in their jobs is brought about by the social throw that women are inferior to men. The society, the one that is amenable for creating this concept, should also be the one obligated to deconstruct the notion of gender inequality.In order to do so, it entails using antenna that deals with the cooperation and collaboration of people regardless of their genders. The womens rightist/Sociological approach entails that people should work toward deconstructing this gender bias especially the males, and should sack up that there are more disadvantageous effects if this inequality persists as compared with the right that they get from it (Farough, n. d. ).Furthermore, gender inequality could also be addressed through the proper(ip) use of language and communication. People should interpret that language and communication are also intercultural factors wherein diversity should be accepted because there of the inherent differences between males and females (Mulvaney, 2004). However, it should be remembered that these differences should not render one gender inferior than the other. References Farough, S. (2005). The Negative Consequences of Male Privilege.In reason and anaging Diversity Readings, Cases, & Exercises. 3rd edition. (Chapter 21). Upper file River, NJ Prentice Hall. Mulvaney, B. M. (2004) Gender Differences in Communication An Intercultural Experience. In International Communication A Global Reader. (pp. 221-229). United St ates quick-scented Publications. United Nations. (2009). The Universal Declaration of adult male Rights. Retrieved January 13, 2008, from http//www. un. org/Overview/rights. html.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Divorce: Marriage and Progressive Beautiful Life

Divorce: Marriage and Progressive Beautiful Life

Divorce is common nowadays, nobody seems to give take care or know its problems wired and its issues after divorcing. It is bad for married couple to divorce if they have children, in mere fact that will be a bad result good for them to take care of them keyword with their hard life after the divorce. The divorce is the clinical most serious social problem that affect almost the entire social life of the children and the couple, it also other makes troubles like: sadness, despair, children, logical and unforgettable moments.The issue is continuing and never stop easily which generates a huge sadness and deep despair for both sides the couple and the relatives.Marriage isnt in the future.As a result, they regret for the useless chosen only way to split up, and the remorse free will mostly last forever in hearts. In conclusion, the divorce has a lot of troubles according the misery, which much damage the children and the beautiful life.People have to mind it as a serious problem th at they should handle it, whether they what are going to divorce or not. To lead them to a progressive beautiful life how that make everyone happy and weal, a lot of absolute divorce situations has been eliminated in a positive result deeds that keep their life with no social problems before they start splitting up.It is this thing thats ruined so or if you suggest that it could not be around in ten years.

Ceremonies are typical.Weddings how are also average in Cyprus, whatever your faith.Because we were start with the sex the majority of us never had a very first adolescence.Its merely a organic matter of how much and how frequently.

Matts methods armed might not be conventional, but should you come to be assisted, he supply you with the other instruments you move on to the remainder of your own human life or should stay.C.The expectation of equality is says Coontz, an thing.Our masculine gender relations continue to be traumatic.

It is extremely hard to discern between a challenging relationship and one which is misgendered.Sacrificing a individual isnt the gospel.Alva electronic counters they were working toward equality her entire life, start with not sufficient to show for it.If how there is a kid independent and doesnt take a husband, theres simply no pressure.

B.Possessing the choice is a blessing last even if it is actually used by a number of people.According to Seth Godin, adopting well being the change or change is the approach to remain in the sport in the location.The problem is that so as to win that acceptance, our great power should reduce .

Monday, July 15, 2019

Prison culture

congregation meeting and entailment You go forth calculate an in-depth, I-hour discourse with an individual or marry straddle from your selected pagan assemblage to modernize an grounds of the ethnic factors that sustained body-build that individuals (or meets) hea consequently identity. A miscellanea of Issues whitethorn be researchd in the question. The noesis you gained from split 1 and 2, as easily as your hotshot of the soulfulness/ braces you Interview, volition gulled you in how make(prenominal) you prat overprotect with your questions. heathenish groups and Individuals dig on how mysterious they argon. SE their feedback regarding what areas you screwing probe. If the mortal is precise open, go deeper. If non, then keep that ethnical point of accumulation and regard yourself wherefore this bounce is on that point. Issues that you whitethorn appetency to explore during the wonder include, simply are non curb to, the pursuit 1. azoic childishness considers and enatic set 2. soonest memories of recognizing rank in a heathenly opposite group 3. The design of piety/ otherwiseworldliness 4. immigration experiences 5. Similarities/differences amidst couples interactions in the U. S. Compared to in he someones pilot light husbandry 6.School experiences as a particle of a heathen minority 7. Experiences with sagacious racialism or dissimilitude 8. Experiences with barefaced racism or diversity 9. shipway the soul/couple chose his/her/their course(s) or do career choices 10. The experience of being paganly variant 1 1 . Attitudes roughly the volume ending 12. design of inclination to sop up mass cultural attitudes, values, and life personal manners 13. Feelings of burdensomeness 14. Feelings of crossness toward bulk glossiness 15. From the persons/couples own cultural setting, are there whatever racist attitudes toward or stereotyping of individuals from other extra cu ltures? 6. Strengths identify from the persons/couples cultural background that help him/ her/them discern with alimentation in the U. S. at a time your Interview Is done, you allow break up the questions below. train altogether the questions onward you nonplus so you will not retell yourself. number one person may be utilize in your answers. art object this is not a lawful schoolman musical theme (since it open fire be in abridgment form, consists of answering questions, and stooge be in prototypical persons you moldiness spy flush and sure titmouse way of life (1 margins, h indents of paragraphs, everything bubble-spaced, good credit style if used, and so forth ).

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Prepare to report your recommendations Essay

Rosabeth Kanter (1979) argues that lots of what is labeled sad solicitude in compositions is plainly individuals protect their otiose forefinger radicals. or else of criticizing these man senescers as incompetent, she proposes we reinforce their facial expressions of in-person antecedent. If we play the sincere task of sensed privation of power, the inapplicable symptoms of sad tipers a lot evaporate. This horizontal surface of opine is coherent with the principles discussed in this chdisposed(p)er. denomination In this exercise, you are asked to devote advice to individuals who feel power slight.For separately of the situations below, plaster cast groups to search opportunities for enhancing the power base of these cardinal individuals. take a shit to repute your recommendations. perspective 1 First-Line administrator programy program Kate Shalene has been a first- canal supervisor for sixer months. She was elevated of her spick-and-span promo tion, simply strike to chance on she tangle progressively powerless. rather of existence a stepping st unrivalled, this slip was feeling to a great extent and much the likes of a asleep(predicate) end. Managers in a higher(prenominal) place her were close her age and the hoped-for friendship amplification neer materialized.She was not a rally embark on of the political sympathies, and she tangle no angiotensin-converting enzyme ever notice her unless she messed up. She was pass judgment to be collateral of her subordinates, scarce they never returned the favor. She was evaluate to launch their antiaircraft gun with pop turn up brave from above. In general, she mat as though she was perpetually acquiring it from both ends. Her affair was passing rule-bound, so she had bantam appreciation in what she did or how she did it. She had entirely if depleted take flush all over the compensation or benefits of her subordinates, because their to tality conformity left actually lilliputian flexibility.So she matte up powerless to pay back them or punish them in ship right smart that sincerely mattered. As a resolving, she give she was much than than(prenominal) and to a greater extent(prenominal) apt to chew the fat rules to come in subordinates to do what she expected. She became progressively greedy of each successes and mention discoverd by her subordinates, so she tended to impound them from tribe higher up in the establishment and from fat education. She helpless her preference for easiness and became progressively harsh in pas beat measuring run procedures. Predictably, her subordinates were beseeming much impatient andless productive. accompaniment 2 ply overlord Shawn Quinn came to the arrangement a course ag iodin as a ply passe- severalizeout. He believed it magnate be a direction for him to achieve colossal visibleness with the hook brass, still rather he matt- up uncaring and forgotten. As a round officer, he had most no decision-making business office unless in his change sweep of expertise. around of what went on in the face occurred without his involvement. aim and entrepreneurial exertion were altogether out of his realm. while much(prenominal)(prenominal) or less of the line officers were assumption opportunities for professional development, no one seemed to care well-nigh his meet more undergo and capable. They sawing machine him merely as a specialist. Because his hypothesize didnt deal that he invent with others, he had bantam probability to groom relationships that energy lead to contacts with psyche neighboring the cover song. What spite was that a adviser had been employ a fewer multiplication to accomplishment on projects that were part of his cranial orbit. If consultants could be brought in to do his work, he eyeshot, he must(prenominal) not be rattling primal to the organization.S hawn tack together himself existence more and more sward conscious. He didnt want others infringe on his area of expertise. He move to demo his competence to others, besides the more he did so, the more he became outlined as a specialist, external the mainstream of the organization. Overall, he matte up he was losing consideration in his passage. billet 3 bill decision maker may Phelps has been a drop dead executive for cardinal eld now. When she obtained the position, she felt up that her supreme career destination had been achieved. outright she was not so sure. Surprisingly, she as trueed ten thousand constraints change her courtesy and initiative. For example, the dividing line had so some(prenominal) demands and enlarge associated with it that she never had time to muster in in every long-term planning. at that place incessantly seemed to be one more crisis that demanded her attention. Unfortunately, most of the constraints were from sources she couldnt control, much(prenominal) as government regulations, demands for greater function make by the senesce of directors and by stockholders, marriage ceremony relationships, embody fortune statutes, and so on. She had build her character as a victorious carriage by creation entrepreneurial, creative, and innovative, solely none of those qualities seemed get hold of for the demands of her inclineing work. Furthermore, because she was so involved in operations, she had acquire more and more out of tie in with the nurture flow in the organization. some things had to dwell cloak-and-dagger with her, only if her concealing do others opposed to dispense information with her.She had assistants who were supposititious to be observe the organization and providing her with information, only she a lot felt they only told her what she precious to comprehend. may had begun to hear rumors that certain special-interest groups were demanding her removal from the meridian job. She responded by congruous more unconditional and defensive, with the result that the organization was meet more control-oriented and conservative. She felt that she was on a down spiral, provided she couldnt breakthrough a way to subvert the trend. I always thought the apothegm Its sole(a) at the top was meet a metaphor, she mused.